The following films show a range of the automata I make, some are bespoke and others are pieces that are part of my range. If you’re interested in a piece that isn’t for sale directly then click here to place an order. Keep an eye out for new pieces as they are added to my shop and do bear in mind that I’m always happy to work on bespoke pieces that encapsulate your personal celebrations, click here for more info.
Stick to the Path Patinated copper with brass details, leaf metal and enamel flowers. All set on a reclaimed hardwood base. Available to order £245
The Sea The Sea Woah! Look out for that whale!! Patinated copper with brass and silver details. The hardwood base is reclaimed from a Cornish boat yard. Available to order at £345
Dew Hopper Patinated copper automata with enamel flowers and brass details. The base is reclaimed hardwood. Available direct from my online shop £155
Into the Woods Patinated copper and brass with copper flowers and silver leaves, all on a reclaimed hardwood base. Available to order at £235
Roundwood A beautiful automaton made in the round with a patinated copper fox on a never ending chase with a silver rabbit. Happily the bunny never gets caught! The base is a lovely chunk of reclaimed oak from the Highlands of Scotland. Sold
Orca Patinated copper and brass on a driftwood base. Sold
An homage to lockdown 2021. We became used to isolation and perhaps had moments of solace. Space in the garden with hens, washing and birds! Sold
Strolling - Patinated copper and brass with reclaimed tin and leaf metal, on a reclaimed hardwood base. Sold.
Sunyashniki - Sunflower Fundraiser for DEC Ukraine. Competition now finished.
Personal projects
When I get the chance I enjoy making more personal pieces. Each piece is based on a particular story that will have triggered the beginnings of an automaton. I get a kick out of the freedom these pieces give me to explore the craft further. Click on each automaton and hover over to find out about the inspiration for each piece.